What is Artificial Intelligence (AI) ?
(AI) is a branch of computer science that deals with the creation of intelligent agents, which are systems that can reason, learn, and act autonomously.
What is Storage structures?
Agricultural storage structures are used to store agricultural products such as grains, fruits, vegetables, and livestock feed. They are important for maintaining the quality and quantity of agricultural products, and for ensuring a steady supply of food.
Smart storage with AI
Al-powered storage structures can help to improve the efficiency, performance, and security of storage systems. Al can be used to optimize data placement, predict future storage needs, and detect and prevent cyberattacks. As the amount of data continues to grow, Al-powered storage structures will become increasingly important for businesses and organizations of all sizes.
Why Smart storage structures ?
Approximately, 30% of food produced around the world is either lost or wasted each year. This is equivalent to 1.3 billion tons of food. And definitely it has been proven that traditional food storage structures do not help in reduction of food wastage at a great extent. Therefore, AI integrated food storage structures which can do the real time environment monitoring, optimization of the environment, alerts if any discrepancy in the values are all the future of Food grain storage and reduction is food losses.
India lags behind when it comes to the food grain structures. Most of the commodity are stored in either warehouses or in open and mostly in gunny bags which contributes to the spoilage and losses. So, if we introduce this smart grain storage structures, we certainly will be able to reduce the food loss and there will be sufficient food to feed the growing population of our country.
Our Idea
We are introducing ONE SUPER SENSOR as an integrated device for monitoring all the factors like temperature, pressure, humidity/ moisture, CO2, O2, ethylene and pest monitoring. These factors are important contributors of post-harvest losses due to storage and hence it will help us in
casy and on-time monitoring. Our super sensor will have high sensitivity and precision which enable it to detect and measure even subtle changes or variations in the target parameters with great accuracy. Further, AI integration of these sensors allows for intelligent data interpretation, automated decision-making, or adaptive learning based on the sensor's output.
To introduce an integrated system of one super sensor that will do all the environment sensing with utmost accuracy which will save time and reduce the wastage of food on large scale.
To create a world where food is accessible to all at reasonable price and high quality without a large part of it getting wasted for nothing.
Hardware Requirements
BME 280 :
It is an environmental sensor that combines barometric pressure, humidity, and temperature sensing capabilities in a single chip. It uses low power consumption and is easy to integrate into various electronic projects.
It is a combination sensor module that is specifically designed to measure carbon dioxide (CO2) and oxygen (02) concentrations in indoor environments. It has a dual channel design which makes it flexible for comprehensive monitoring.
It is an electrochemical ethylene gas sensor. It offers high sensitivity and selectivity to ethylene gas. It utilizes a unique combination of noble metal and electrolyte to provide high sensitivity and selectivity to ethylene gas.
These sensors detect and analyse acoustic signals emitted by pests. The system uses machine learning algorithms to differentiate between pest sounds and background noise, enabling effective pest monitoring and control.control.
Software Requirements
- Device drivers
- Operating system support
- Sensor-specific libraries or APIs
- Communication protocols Data processing and analysis
- Integration with other software systems
- Automation Software
- Cloud Computing
Prototype Circuit

Mobile Application Interface

Proposed Model

Comparison Table

Economic Aspect

Thus, the approx. cost of overall installation is around 80,000/- which is an ONE TIME INVESTMENT.
Now, let's look at the stats: If 100 tonnes of grains are produced with the cost of Rs. 25/- per tonne then,
• Percentage of money saved = 3.75%
Total value of grain produced = *1 million Cost of saved grain = ₹37,500
Amount of money saved = (Percentage of money saved x Total value of grain produced)
=(3.75% x 1 million) = *37,500
• Percentage of quantity saved = 1.5%
Total weight of grain produced = 100 tonnes
Weight of saved grain = 1.5 tonnes
Amount of grain saved = (Percentage of quantity saved x Total weight of grain produced)
= (1.5% x 100 tonnes) = 1.5 tonnes
• The percentage of grain lost is 10% and the percentage of money lost is 25%.
If 100 tonnes of grain are produced, 10 tonnes are lost, which means that 10% of the grain is lost. The cost of the lost grain is 250,000 (10 tonnes x 25 per tonne). This means that 25% of the money that was spent on producing the grain is lost.
The use of the sensor will save 1.5 tonnes of grain, which is 1.5% of the total grain produced. The cost of the saved grain is €37,500 (1.5 tonnes x ₹25 per tonne). This means that 3.75% of the money that was spent on producing the grain will be saved.
The use of the sensor will save money and grain. It is a good investment for farmers and warehouse owners.
Reduced Labour Cost :
Al can automate many of the tasks involved in food storage, such as loading and unloading grain, cleaning and inspecting storage structures, and monitoring the storage environment. This can help to reduce labor costs and improve efficiency.
Increased Shelf Life :
It benefits both the seller and the buyer with less wastage. For example, Al can help regulate the temperatures inside the storage structure according to the different stages of the commodity. This lets the commodity to remain fresh for a long time."
Improved Food Safety :
Al can be used to monitor the storage environment and identify potential problems early on, such as pests or mold growth. This information can then be used to take corrective action to prevent food spoilage.
Food Security For Future Generations :
Using Al in smart storage systems will assist lessen food wastage in a big amount and additionally in its storage underneath properly monitored surroundings. This will bring the availability of food for future generations and to feed the growing populations.
Who will Benefit ?
1. Farmers : Smart storage technologies and facilities enable farmers to store their harvested food grains for longer periods without spoilage. This allows them to have more control over the timing of grain sales, potentially fetching better prices in the market.
2. Food processing Companies : Companies involved in food processing and manufacturing benefit from smart grain storage systems in multiple ways. They can secure a consistent supply of quality grains, reducing the risk of shortages or price fluctuations
3. Food whole sellers and distributors : Wholesalers and distributors rely on efficient grain storage to maintain a steady supply of food grains to meet market demand. Smart storage helps them avoid losses caused by spoilage or pests, ensuring that the grains are in good condition when delivered to retailers or other buyers.
4. Retailers : Retailers, such as grocery stores and supermarkets, benefit from smart grain storage as it ensures a stable supply of high-quality grains for their customers. By minimizing losses due to spoilage, they can maintain a diverse inventory of grains and offer fresh, safe, and nutritious products to consumers.
5. Consumers : Smart storage of food grains ultimately benefits consumers by ensuring the availability of safe and high-quality grains in the market. By reducing losses and maintaining nutritional integrity, smart storage helps to provide a steady supply of affordable food grains. Consumers can enjoy a wider variety of grains, including staple crops, and have confidence in the quality and safety of the products they purchase.
In the words of Demis Hassabis "AI will empower us to solve the biggest problems of the 21st century." And food wastage is certainly one of those biggest problems. Therefore, AI powered Smart Storage Structures are the ULTIMATE ANSWER !
Checkout our Presentations :
Writeup of our Project :
Poster of our Project :